The Light in YOU

You must be fired up FIRST, before you can show others the way.

Your light can be seen in your excitement, enthusiasm, speed of conduct and energy of your communication.

As one can feel the warmth of the “light” , one too can feel the “energy” that you exude.

And when you light up, only then you can also see the darkness of others.

Leadership vs. Friendship

When you lead, friendship should not be the number 1 priority ; as inevitably there will be extended  tolerance for non performance and that will be detrimental for him/her, yourself and the company too.

Continue to demand the best from your subordinates. Be strict, be demanding and if friendship can grow,  that is great.

As a leader, your primary task is to focus on  performance and to grow others : & not being a “nice buddy” to everyone


In your daily life …..

What is your ULTIMATE priority

?Who is your ULTIMATE  priority ?

It is OUR CHOICE on where we wish to focus our energy most. What ever our choices are, it is ultimately a free world.

Choose your path correctly and live a path with integrity and dignity.

Avoid dissapointing others who has relied on you, believed in you, trusted you and had hopes on you.

Best to walk a life with a clear conscience than to live a life-time behind a mask of hypocrisy ; as they will ultimately see who YOU truly are !!

Someday, somehow, someone will ask …. shall you be my PRIORITY if I am not yours ?

Goals ….

Your perception on how you see your GOALS  will determine your mental attitude, your beliefs and THE ACTION you will take.

It will govern your daily behaviour.
Stretch your sights …

Aim for the EXTRAORDINARY .Do not limit yourself by “thinking small”.

Aim for the stars and fly high. Aim low and your feet will never leave the ground …..

It starts today …..

For some it will still be a continuos journey towards a long term goal.

For others it will be a new phase, a new start to achieve  new targets  this year.

Learn from the past, be stronger than the past, be more determined than the past, be smarter than the past.

Wishing everyone an extremely successful year ahead.



New Year 2021 ……
When we can dance in a packed dance floor and have a drink in a crowded bar.

When a sneeze and cough are just a common cold and we just need Vit-C and not a vaccine.

When we can hug, cheek-kisses and touch without fear.

When we do not have to be apprehensive when meeting new people.

What else ? What else ?

Hopefully 2020 – has thought us to not take things for granted, be more compassionate and refocus on our priorities in life.

#xfactor #newyear2021
#wishes #freedom

Tastefully arrogant …

Its “funny” that sometimes one is too shy to be proud of what they have or what they have accomplished.

Too humble  ?
Well, sometimes,  humility is not a strength.

Stylish and “classy-arrogance” may be needed to get noticed.

Believe in your YELLOW umbrella and “shout” to everyone that it is indeed the greatest colour and only those with exquisite taste can appreciate it.

2  points ….
–  believe in YOURSELF & what you have
–  a slight tinge of arrogance may be needed to promote YOU.

Finally, if you do not have a yellow umbrella, perhaps you should make one.

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